The prevention of occupational risks of exposure to asbestos fibers
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Health effects of aerosols |
Study of local air velocity variations at the vicinity of plated filters by anemometric measurements and numerical simulations
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Filtration |
Development of a protocol for in-board assessment of the efficiency of air quality filters
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Filtration |
Performances of filter media for metallic nanoparticles filtration
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Filtration |
Influence of a micro fracture of a diesel particle filter on the filtration efficiency
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Filtration |
Ensuring health security with air ATPmetry
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Bioaerosols |
Indoor air quality in medical-social and liberal facilities: chemical and microbiological contamination
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Bioaerosols |
Optimization of the measurement method for airborne endotoxins in workplace atmospheres: tests using laboratory generated bacterial aerosols
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Bioaerosols |
New method of adsorption energy determination of aromatic species to carbonaceous aerosols
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Sources characterization |
Contribution of Atomic force Microscopy to particle resuspension studies
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Sources characterization |
Chemical characterization of airborne particles produced by laser cutting of corium simulants
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Sources characterization |
PM2.5 chemical speciation: variations in relation to meteorology observed at 5 French background monitoring stations
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Sources characterization |
Influence of feeding mode on pollutant emissions of gas and particles in a domestic boiler
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Sources characterization |
Evaluation of a changeout program of old wood appliances on air quality in Arve valley
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Sources characterization |
Impact of fuel composition on aeronautical emissions
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Sources characterization |
Aerosol science and metrology in France: history and impact
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol instrumentation |
How to characterize brake emission on a pin-on-disc system?
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol physics ans chemistry |
Particle resuspension from surfaces: current knowledge and limitations
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Radioactive aerosols |
Development of a methodology for the evaluation of performances of low-cost optical PM2,5 sensors for indoor air quality monitoring in mobility situations by car around Paris
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol instrumentation |
Airborne fiber separation, an application to real-time detection
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol instrumentation |
Methodology for measuring primary particles emitted by livestock buildings
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol instrumentation |
Study of metallic particle's resuspension from urban surfaces in ambient environment: methodology
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Environment aerosols, atmospheric aerosols |
Particle agglomeration in turbulent flows
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Environment aerosols, atmospheric aerosols |
Identification of bioaerosols of Lascaux cave
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Bioaerosols |
The group of experts AFNOR X43C / GE 1
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Bioaerosols |
Airborne (1,3)-β-D-glucans at occupational settings: Field evaluation of a measurement method
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Bioaerosols |
Design of an experimental setup to investigate droplet evaporation in a human-like exhaled jet
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosols and indoor air quality |
Chemical characterization of the particulate and gas phase emissions of a gasoline single cylinder engine
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosols combustion |
Study of aerosol release during concrete scarifying operations
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Radioactive aerosols |
Application of 2-color auto-compensating laser induced incandescence in turbulent flames
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol instrumentation |
Study of the polarization voltage effect on a resistive soot sensor response
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol instrumentation |
Development of a personal semi-volatile aerosol dichotomous sampler using numerical simulation
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol instrumentation |
Aerosol metrology contribution for inhalation toxicology studies
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol instrumentation |
Generation and metrology of extreme density particles - Application to the development of an inhalation chamber for tungsten aerosols
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol instrumentation |
Impact of particles mass on the behavior of a Continuous Air Monitor (CAM)
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol instrumentation |
Impact of the use of domestic wood heating appliances on the particulate content in indoor air depending on ventilation conditions
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosols and indoor air quality |
Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) for interpretation of variation of indoor air pollutants in an open-plan office
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosols and indoor air quality |
Characterization of aerosols emitted from a direct metal deposition additive manufacturing process
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosols and indoor air quality |
Inhalation exposure aerosols assessment: towards an integrated approach to analyze real-time measurement data
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosols and indoor air quality |
Triboelectric charging of fines particles by particle-wall collisions
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol physics ans chemistry |
Experimental study of the aerosol particle electroscavenging by clouds
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol physics ans chemistry |
Link between the chemical and optical properties of aersols and applied to desert dust particles
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol physics ans chemistry |
Does atmospheric stability influence the size-distribution of the vertical dust flux? First insight in eroding conditions
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol physics ans chemistry |
The properties of self-preserving size distribution of soot aggregates
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol physics ans chemistry |
A pair correlation modeling: toward a better morphological description of individual fractal aggregates
[CFA2020 - 33rd French Aerosol Congress]
Aerosol physics ans chemistry |