General Info

Place and Address:
FIAP Paris, 30 rue Cabanis, 75014 PARIS

Métro (ligne 6) : Glacière ou Saint Jacques - Bus 21 : Glacière - Auguste Blanqui

Book your hotel room at FIAP

FIAP allows CFA participants to reserve hotel rooms in its establishment as a priority:

- Premium rooms with a double bed at €119 (free breakfast) - 2024 prices (to confirm)

- Premium rooms with 2 single beds at €146 (free breakfast) - 2024 prices (to confirm)

Click here to view the rooms (Be careful, online booking is not operational)

If you are interested :

1/ Register online for the CFA before December 31th, 2024

2/ Send an email to to request for booking for a room (specifying Name(s), First name(s), date(s) of the desired nights and type of room desired)

3/ Asfera will forward your request and confirm room availability

4/ At check in, each participant will pay directly for their room.

FIAP can only provide us with 15 premium individual rooms and 3 premium twin rooms.

First asked, first served!

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