NEW! Thematic day
AI for aerosols
After a first conferences session on AI during CFA2024, ASFERA supports the organization of a thematical day on Artificial Intelligence for aerosols on Friday, October 18th at CORIA Laboratory CORIA (Saint Etienne du Rouvray, near Rouen).
For more information and pre register before on May 31th (max: 24 places)
View the conference proceedings online
Read the articles of the CFA2024 communications online (accessible to members and participants of the congress)!
Last jobs online !
Job opportunities
Consultez à tout moment les dernières offres d'emplois, de thèse ou de stage à pourvoir dans le domaine de la Science des Aérosols émanant de notre réseau.
Vous avez vous aussi une offre à pourvoir ? N'hésitez pas à partager votre annonce ici ! C'est gratuit !
Discover programme online/Registers open
Discouver the schedule of CFA 2024 is online and each abstract of conference.
Register are opened online.
View the conference proceedings online
Read the articles of the CFA023 communications online (accessible to members and participants of the congress)!
Call for papers is open!
Authors would like to participate in the CFA 2023 are invited to submit their communication before on 18th November 2022.
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Discover the call for papers and the instructions to the authors... -
New dates: 9 and 10 May 2022 in the current health context!
Announcement of the 2021 Journal of Aerosol Science Excellence in Research Award Recipients
The Asfera has the honor to announce that Jérome Yon, Associate Professor at CORIA Laboratory (CNRS, University and INSA Rouen Normandie), lecturer at INSA (National Institute for Applied Sciences) and board ASFERA member is an co-winner of the JASER Award for 2021. This new award is intended to acknowledge the quality, originality, and depth of contribution in aerosol research (as defined by scope of the Journal of Aerosol Science) over quantity and acceptance by specific journals.
Discover programme online!
For this 35th edition, except against sanitary order, the CFA2022 will be held in Paris on 26th and 27th january 2022. 2 specific conferences sessions about Aerosols and Covid-19 and Micro-sensors for particles real-time detection. 4 conferences sessions : Metrology of aerosols, Bioaerosol, Aerosols physics, Atmospheric aerosols.
Discover online the summary of each communication and register!
Come and listen again conferences on video and proceedings of congress online
For this 34th edition, 140 participants took part of the CFA2021 will be held only in WEBINAR from 26th to 28th january 2021. Come and listen again videos of conferences and proceedings of congres online... Reserved only for participants and members 2021, they will be accessible for all in 2022...
Programme online / Open registration!
For this 34th edition, the CFA2021 will be held only in WEBINAR on 2 days and half (from 26th to 28th january 2021). 2 plenary conferences about Aerosols and Covid-19 and Micro-sensors for particles real-time detection. 4 conferences sessions : Metrology of aerosols, Bioaerosol and Indoor air quality, Aerosols physics and chemical, Combustion and process.
Discover online the summary of each communication!
Extension of the Call for papers until 2 October 2020
Authors would like to participate in the CFA 2021 are invited to submit their communication before 2 october 2020.
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Discover the call for papers and the instructions to the authors... -
Honorary Member
Disparition of Pr Georges TYMEN
It is with great sadness that we announce that Professor Georges Tymen died at the age of 74 years after a long illness
He was honorary member of ASFERA Administration Council after to be a member during several years.
Founder and Honorary President
Disparition of Pr André Renoux
It is with great sadness that we announce that Professor André Renoux died on March 31 at the age of 82 years at his residence in Créteil near Paris.
With his passing, we have lost a distinguished Professor who has done so much for the development of aerosol science and technology, engineer and researcher training in this field in France and beyond.
Congress proceedings online
For this 33nd edition, one hundred twenty five particpants were presents to listen conferences or share their results around six major themes: Filtration, Bioaerosols, Metrology, Caracterization of sources, Physics and chimical Aerosols Indoor Air Quality..
Congress proceedings are online...
J. Bricard award
Laureate 2020
During CFA2020, the prize has been awarded to PhD Dumitru DUCA fort his thesis work on physico-chemical characterization of combustion generated aerosols and surrogates. Congratulation!
The programme is here!
For this 33nd edition, the conferences of CFA2020 revolve around six major themes:
Filtration, Bioaerosols, Caracterization of sources, Metrology of aerosols, Indoor air quality, Aerosols physics and chemical
Discover online the summary of each communication!
Congress proceedings online
For this 32nd edition, one hundred particpants were presents to listen conferences or share their results around five major themes: Bioaerosols and health, Metrology and caracterization of sources, Aerosols and environnement, Metrology of combustion aerosols, Collection and purification of aerosols
Congress proceedings are online...
Job opportunities
Une nouvelle rubrique a été créée sur notre site internet... Vous pouvez désormais consulter les offres d'emplois, de thèse ou de stage à pourvoir dans le domaine de la Science des Aérosols émanant de notre réseau. Découvrez les ou déposez une annonce à tout moment !
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